Know the effects of the decline in the bee population

Know the effects of the decline

In recent years, bee and butterfly populations have declined significantly, which is a disaster for the ecosystem.

You have to understand that bees and butterflies ensure the pollination of all our crops, transmitting a kind of “information” to the flowers, which we are not capable of reproducing without them. Now, to pollinate the fields, fruit producers hire the services of beekeepers or obtain colonies of bees which they place in their orchards.
Several hypotheses can explain this worrying phenomenon: parasites, viruses, pesticides. The World Organization for Animal Health and the O.I.E. (Office International des Epizooties) are convinced that there are several causes for the progressive disappearance of bees.

It is normal for around 10% of the bee population to die each winter, but now the proportions are much higher.

So if we summarize: bees + butterflies = pollination = life = crops = food for humans and animals..
What can we do? Each of us, at our own level, can think and act.
How? By combating the use of pesticides in our uses and in our food consumption.

So that the bees and butterflies do not die of hunger, it is up to each of us to not become a “mower maniac”. Indeed, if we let the grass grow a little and the wild flowers develop, the bees will have something to satisfy themselves.

It’s wonderful to marvel in your garden, where the grass certainly doesn’t look like a city public garden, but where there is life and a multitude of flowers.

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Know the effects of the decline

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